Welcome to this special site.
It's a kind of gallery, an exclusive collection of graphics with RWB cars and people who stand behind the RAUH-Welt Begriff phenomenon. I have always thought that the work of Akira Nakai is a kind of art, and he is the Artist who creates these amazing movable sculptures such as the Porsche RWB. Each car's construction is a kind of creative act, event and type of artistic happening in which many extraordinary people are involved. Akira Nakai and his RAUH-Welt Begriff is also a collective of people, people with great passion - creating one big RWB family. Extraordinary people from around the world building this original RWB image. I am trying to graphically illustrate this amazing phenomenon from my perspective and these people - it is my peculiar tribute to master Akira Nakai and the whole phenomenon of RWB. This is just the beginning of this project, so - please stay tuned for updates and new artworks from Rough World ...
Hello! My name is Jarek Kwas Kwaśniak. I live in Warsaw in my beauty country of Poland. I grew up fascinated by Japanese culture, anime and manga which are still a great inspiration for me. Now I'm professional 2D / 3D artist working in advertising / film industry. I work proudly with Polish RAUH-Welt Begriff branch (911Garage). I am also writing for you news on the Facebook page: RAUH-Welt Begriff Warsaw. Feel free to contact with me.